Monday, January 8, 2018

Making connections that count at Annual Session

Annual Session is packed with learning opportunities. The House of Delegates, breakout sessions, idea exchanges and the Dental Expo are sure to teach you a lot, but that’s just half of it. Connecting with new colleagues could be the greatest learning experience of all.

Goodbye chapter, hello world!
Branch out from your local chapter and get to know students from across the nation. We can learn from our classmates every day — why not learn from hundreds of other students at Annual Session? You can find new and creative ideas to take your chapter to the next level. You can also learn from chapters that have overcome the same struggles you might be facing. Of course, “ASDA fever” has an entirely new meaning when you see how it affects students from all over the country. It really is an amazing feeling to experience!

It’s not often that you get a chance to engage with so many like-minded dental students. You may be just one of a few motivated ASDA members from your school, so take this opportunity to meet with everyone else who is filled with ASDA fever. Prepare to be inspired and enlightened. You might even make some lifelong friends.

Take me to your leaders
Annual Session marks the beginning of a new leadership year. This is the perfect time to get to know your new national leaders. Meeting them early means you can utilize them to the max throughout the year. There’s bound to be a national leader within driving distance of your school; connect with them at Annual Session and schedule a time for them to give a presentation at your school. You can also find a national leader who can help if your chapter needs improvement in certain areas. They are here year-round for advice, information or to help you brainstorm ideas. This is your first opportunity to get to know them in-person, so take advantage of it.

Vendor splendor
The Dental Expo always showcases new vendors with the latest technology and service offerings. Bring everything back to your chapter by making connections with here. Ask questions and take a business card from one of the companies exhibiting. You can also bring your chapter’s most current vendor packet or a list of upcoming chapter events they can be involved in. If it’s a new technology, see if they would be interested in giving a lunch-and-learn or a weekend course for your chapter members.

Vendors are not only a great resource for your chapter, but also for you, personally. Making connections with vendors now will help build relationships that will last well into your career. Years from now, you may still call on a trusted vendor you met at Annual Session for advice on dental products, finances or practice management.

After the event, don’t slip into ASDA withdrawal. Keep the conversations going. Pick up a business card, exchange emails or add someone on social media. You can grow your chapter and your future career by connecting with dentistry’s most passionate people — and it all starts at the ASDA Annual Session.

The 2018 Annual Session will be held Feb. 21-24 in Anaheim, California, at Disneyland Hotel. Registration ends Jan. 18.

~ Danielle Marciniak-Brambila, MS, Roseman ’18, Vice President

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